Friday, March 25, 2011

A Duo Day

Today is a quiet day for the Duo.  Kayla Bug decided to stay up all night. (So happy Chuck does night duty) Miss Lyss has danced and sung along with Sesame Street but was glad to see her bed and thumb for her nap.  My plan is to go back to the very beginning....nearly two years ago when the twinkling of the Duo exploded into our lives.  I still whine and pine for my planned trip to Ireland but life has a great sense of humor sometimes.


  1. I like your blog and the background that you are using..sort of goes with the Duo I think. Spring time and all is new once more..

  2. Thanks, hopefully this get easier and more interesting. It's been a little daunting starting out but I would love to tell the story of my Dynamic Duo.

  3. I hope that you do tell your story with the Dynamic Duo..I have read your comments on facebook, and loved reading them. Some of your experiences brought back some fond memories of my grand kids when I was keeping all of them. As the saying goes "if I could turn back time" I would in a heartbeat.
